Julie Felix Support

Well it's been an amazing week.  The Long Walk For Peace culminated in Edinburgh on Tuesday where I perfomed Peace Call in both St John's church (where there was a symbolic washing of the feet by various church leaders) and at the rally on Castle Street.  We walked and sang all the way through Edinburgh 'til we reached the Parliament where various dignataries made speeches and where we met MSPs from the cross-party group on Nuclear Disarmament.  I think we're going to get rid of Trident if we keep up the pressure.  It's time for everyone to lobby their MSP, MP and MEPs!  More walking and direct action is needed to.  The year long blockade of Faslane, which begins on October 1, is a good place to start.  www.faslane365.org 
On Thursday I supported Julie Felix at the Edinburgh Folk Club.  Our music is very compatible and I even anticipated one of Julie's songs by teaching a Long Walk For Peace version of Down By The Riverside to the audience before she was to sing it just a few songs later.  Julie is a great protest singer from the 60s, known to many from her BBC TV shows.  We had a lot of fun getting to know each other and we even discussed the idea of me doing a travelling support for her.  Here's hoping!!!  www.knibb.org/juliefelix
Yesterday I went down to Machester for a huge anti-war protest before the annual Labour Party Conference.  There were tens of thousands of marchers demanding that the troops be sent home from Iraq and Afghanistan, that Trident be scrapped and that Tony Blair resign.  The energy was great and people are optimistic about real change, but only if we create a new political climate.  There's lots of work to be done!  www.stopwar.org.uk & www.mfaw.org.uk